Win $5K + Year Supply of Burt’s Bees

Win $5K + Year Supply of Burt's Bees

You can enter the Go Green to Get Green Giveaway from Kelly and Ryan for your chance to win a year’s supply of Burt’s Bees Toothpaste and $5,000 in cash. To enter, just tell them in 100 words or less what you have done to make one change for nature. Entry ends March 15, 2020.

  1. When I go into a butterfly pavilion I am very mindful of the butterflies on the ground.I politely let people know nearby & gently hold my finger out for the butterfly so I can gently set him on a pretty flower or the butterflies!

  2. I have given up owning a car for almost seven years now. I use public transportation and some times Lyft. I get rides from family and friends sometimes. I have reduced my carbon footprint. I like to ride the bus, and sometimes it is nicer to travel this way. I think I am helping nature by not owning an automobile.

  3. The one thing I have done to improve nature is to make sure my birdhouses have food!

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